In Translation

Translations of A (Very) Short History of Life On Earth are ongoing in several languages. For all translation rights inquiries, please email PanMacRights.

Dutch (Spectrum) - out now 




German (Hoffmann und Campe) - out now  


Italian (Einaudi) - out now

Italian (Mondolibri book club) - out now

Spanish -
 (Indicios) - out now

Portuguese (Bertrand Editora) - out now

Romanian (Trei) - out now

Korean (Kachi) - out now 

Japanese (Diamond) - order here

Bahasa Indonesia (
Baca), order here

Simplified Chinese (CITIC) - out now

Polish (Zysk I -S-ka Wydawnictwo) - out now

Turkish (Yeditepe) - out now

Greek (Kaktos) - out now

Estonian (Pegasus) 

Albanian (Muza)

Russian (Azbooka Atticus) 

Ukrainian (Family Leisure Club

French (JC Lattès) --   out now.

Czech (Lingea)

Brazilian Portuguese (out now)

Hungarian (Lingea)

Swedish (Fri Tanke) - out October 2024

Chinese (traditional) (Azoth)

Azerbaijani (Qanun)

Slovakian (Lingea)

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